Welcome to Bulblos
Let's Contribute to Australia's biodiversity Together!
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On a mission to increase native plants in Australia
Deforestation and Urbanisation might not be stopped easily but
we can always make a change to increase the biodiversity
Australia's biodiversity is decreasing
Increase in the temperature of the atmosphere has major effects on the environment such as the seasons, rising of the sea levels, and glacial retreats.
Be it water, air, or land pollution, all forms of pollution appear to be a threat to all life forms on Earth.
Overexploitation refers to the act of over-harvesting species and natural resources at rates faster than they can actually sustain themselves in the wild.
An exotic or unnatural species can be any kind of organism that has been introduced to a foreign habitat. This introduction can cause major threats to the native species.
Habitat loss may either be caused by natural events like natural calamities and geological events or anthropoge- nic activities like deforestation and man-induced climate change.
Epidemics and infectious diseases of wildlife such as Ebola virus disease, infectious bursal disease, and flu affect wildlife and biodiversity.
Trying out gardening for the first time or want to become more of an expert?
It’s okay we got everything right here for you.